Business News
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Good week/Bad week for…
Ann Herbert, the general manager of Nike's North American division, resigned after a Bloomberg investigation found that her 19-year-old son had used a credit card in her name to buy $100,000-worth of limited- edition trainers
Unemployment in London set to be 1 in 10 by the end of the year
Unemployment in London set to be 1 in 10 by the end of 2020 as Covid 19 Pandemic continues to wreak havoc on the economy
Building bosses are now being paid 100k+ to leave their job
An annual survey run by global recruiter Hays Plc has indicated that building experts are being paid as much as £110,000 to leave their job and join a competitor.
WHO’S GETTING WHAT? David Milliband, Theresa May, JD Sports
Former MP's receive fat cat payouts for after dinner tal
WHO’S GETTING WHAT? Apple Inc, The Restaurant Group, Signa Prime
The government's response to Covid-19 has become a fee-earning bonanza for some of the world's largest professional services firms, says Rob Davies
Who’s getting what? Southern Water, Child Trust Funds, Airline Avianca
For those who like beer, the great outdoors and easy money, the world's biggest brewer has the perfect job
COVID-19 vs Business. Maybe we should have been better prepared?
Due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 businesses around the globe have taken a hit. COVID-19 originating in Wuhan, China spread rapidly across the world taking the lives of many in its wake. The virus also took away livelyhood from many people as countries went into lockdowns isolating people in their homes. This has resulted in damage to the global economy as well as a large drop in the employment rate.