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Career Pivots: How To Seamlessly Transition Into A New Industry

road sign saying career change just ahead

As many people have learned, career choices are not always simple.

They are not as simple as playing real money online casino games, so these career choices are not always permanent.

Sometimes, a person may discover after a while that his or her passion may be different from the path he or she is on, thus requiring a change.

If this is the case, then you need to understand how to seamlessly switch career paths. This write-up provides an in-depth look at tips to employ when changing to a new industry. Read up to find out.

Know Your Key Skills And How To Transfer Them

In every industry, there are basic skills a person must have to thrive in their career.

Thus, the first step is identifying essential skills in your current sector by analyzing how they optimize your productivity.

These skills are the ones that a new employer in a new industry will find valuable as you transition.

Therefore, look into those skills that are essential and applicable across various fields.

For instance, communication, analysis, project management, research, negotiation, etc., can be transferred to different industries like education, healthcare, finance, and technology.

For this reason, it is important to compare and contrast the skills you’ll need for the field you wish to transition to and the one you’re currently in.

Familiarize Yourself With The New Industry

Get familiar with the new industry; this is a no-brainer.

You cannot transition into a new field without having basic knowledge and understanding.

You must understand aspects like opportunities, trends, challenges, etc., in the target industry.

This is where research comes in.

To optimize your research, you can use webinars, podcasts, blog posts, industry reports, magazines, etc.

Furthermore, you can contact mentors, peers, or contacts already working in the industry.

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Learn New Skills And Update Your Resume

Since you’re looking to transition into a new industry, it goes without saying that you would need to acquire new skills that apply to the specific field you’re aiming for.

You can qualify for certain positions and perform well in your new role.

You can enroll in online certification programs, take courses online, or join professional training classes to learn these skills.

As you learn new skills and gain more knowledge about the new field, it is important to add those to your resume.

That way, you can showcase your know-how and prove that you’re more than capable of applying for the role you wish to apply for.

Widen Your Network

When switching industries, it is vital to widen the horizon of your network, as this may determine the future of your transition.

Network with people who can give constructive feedback, support your goals, and find opportunities you can benefit from.

This guidance, referrals, and information can only be gotten when you connect with those within the target industry.

Attending conferences, workshops, TED talks, and meetups can help you build your network.

You can also connect with industry professionals on social platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter.

Begin With Entry-Level Positions

As you begin your career afresh in a new industry, it’s best to be realistic about the positions you may qualify for.

In the real sense, it’s only fitting that you may have to begin with entry-level positions with a lower salary than you’re accustomed to.

Sometimes, you may even have to apply for internships or volunteer work before graduating full-time.

The good thing about this is that starting with such lower-level positions can garner more experience and skills as time goes on.

From there, you can work up to your desired position.

Prepare To Ask And Answer Questions

There’s an adage that says whoever asks questions can never miss the road.

This same principle applies when transitioning to a new career field.

Since you’re just starting, not everything will be clear immediately.

As such, it’s important to feel free to ask questions, be confident in your uncertainty, and never back down from an opportunity to get clarification.

This way, you learn faster while making a good impression on your employees.

The other aspect of this concerns being prepared to answer questions. Questions like why you decided to change career paths, what skills you possess, and what you have to offer may arise. If so, it’s best to respond strongly and convincingly to such questions.

In essence, the key is to be prepared.

Mental and Emotional Preparation

People don’t talk about the mental and emotional part enough. Transitioning into a new industry takes a huge mental toll on you, so you will find yourself getting burned out,  tired, and stressed easily.

Over time, you will build resilience to it, but you need to deal with it effectively. One proven method is engaging with your hubbies during your free time. That, coupled with having a growth and long-term mindset, will pull you through the rough patches.


Switching career paths can be an exciting but exhausting journey. With the proper support, following the above-listed steps can make it easier to transition into your target field.

Good luck in your trials.

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