Three of Shark Tank‘s most memorable female entrepreneurs

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Shark Tank is an American TV series in which aspiring entrepreneurs worldwide pitch their business ideas to a panel of investors and convince them to invest money into their idea. 

The Sharks are a panel of highly successful entrepreneurs who invest in businesses that appeal to them and negotiate the perfect deal with enthusiasm.

It’s a world where becoming a millionaire in minutes is possible.


Unfortunately, female business owners continue to be in the minority in the US, owning approximately 40 percent of all businesses.

Shark Kevin O’Leary said that his women-run businesses make him the majority of his money, yet women continue to be underfunded on Shark Tank.

Getting a deal on Shark Tank can be a harrowing experience, but it’s a lot worse for female entrepreneurs, who constantly battle the fact that many men think they’re less competent.

Throughout 11 seasons of the show, some fantastic women have put their business ideas to the panel. Not all of them got a deal but most went on to succeed regardless.

Danielle Desroches and Tracey Noonan – Wicked Good Cupcakes

The pitch: Amazing cupcakes that ship across over the US in jars.

The deal: Kevin O’Leary offered $75K for $1 per unit until the $75K is returned, then 45 cents per unit.

One of the great philosophical questions of our team is, can you have a cupcake without a cup?

Nonetheless, Danielle Desroches and Tracey Noonan are a mother-and-daughter duo from Boston who began their cupcake business in 2011.

Not long after launching, they were getting demands from all over the country and didn’t know how to keep their products fresh and undamaged.

That’s when they came up with the concept of having a cupcake in a jar.

By the time they went on the show, they had sold $73,000 worth of cupcakes since January and were finding it challenging to keep up with demand. They had a retail store, too.

The Sharks’ main issue was a cupcake’s reasonably short shelf life, but Desroches and Noonan were adamant on their perspective against preservatives.

Desroches and Noonan’s cupcakes are still flourishing, and O’Leary says Wicked Good Cupcakes is one of his most profitable investments to this day.

Katherine Krug – BetterBack

The pitch: Wearable device that improves posture.

The deal: Lori Greiner offered $750k as a loan, with a 3-year payback period at 7.5 percent interest plus 8 percent equity.

Sitting down can cause many complications, such as an increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

If your job requires you to be at an office, then it’s more than likely that most of your day is spent sitting over a computer with terrible posture.

For Katherine Krug, her days in the office ended up leaving her with sciatica, so she wanted to make a change not just for herself but for the thousands of people in her position.

When the Sharks tried on The BetterBack seatbelt, they said that the device makes it effortless to sit up with an adequate posture.

Krug said during her pitch: “I became the first solo woman to break the million-dollar mark on Kickstarter.”

She sold over a million dollars worth of products in the first month. The Sharks thought the idea was great but were skeptical of whether people would love the BetterBack once they tried it.

However, BetterBack has got many positive reviews, with some saying that it changed their lives.

Judy Edwards – Squatty Potty

The pitch: A squatting stool that makes pooping more effortless.

The deal: Lori Greiner offered $350,000 for a 10% stake.

This product has been placed on the list of bestselling Shark Tank products, making a million dollars just 24 hours after its episode aired.

Although Judy Edwards’ husband and son are co-founders, Judy is the mother of invention.

She had bathroom troubles herself, which allowed her to come up with the genius idea of a footstool that relaxes the muscles to ease constipation.

The product has done so well due to its simplicity and broad market: everyone uses the bathroom.

Before Judy and her son appeared on the show, Squatty Potty had already made millions in sales. Since taking Lori Greiner’s deal, Squatty Potty has made over $30 million in revenue.

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