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The “One-Stop Shop” for a successful job application in Switzerland

The Swiss job market is competitive, applicants are numerous and qualified, and recruiters often make the initial selection in a few seconds due to a lack of time. A good application is, therefore, one of the most crucial success factors for getting a job in Switzerland.

It should briefly and concisely show what motivates the applicant about the position and the company and why they are the right person for the job. However, many people find this difficult because they lack experience and routine, often have everyday stress, and usually struggle with inspiration and creativity. It is precisely these people at this educational website and a resume writing agency aims to support.

The founder, Matteo Giordano, has already applied for various positions in his life, hired numerous applicants for a large Swiss company, conducted interviews and assessments, and led a team of nine people for several years.

However, he found that the information on the web regarding job applications and careers in Switzerland varies significantly and lacks sufficient structure. That's why he set himself the goal of making all the information and templates one needs to successfully apply for a job in Switzerland available in a compact form factor for anyone. Forever for free.

However, they offer various paid service packages for people who prefer professional writing and designing of their resumes, cover letter, or both. Furthermore, offers professional checkups for existing documents and provides extensive feedback. All services are tailored to the peculiarities of the Swiss job market and are provided in German and English.

You can find all information about the services of under the following link (in German):