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Recruitment tips for Graduates


A lot of recent graduates don’t have an idea what to do next.

They’re like a bag filled with emotions, ambitions, and ideas.

The transition from a college student to the world of work can seem daunting to many. 

This is the most crucial stage that could change the direction of your life.

The shift comes with a lot of uncertainty and anxiety.

So think carefully and don’t make rash decisions.

Being unemployed may force many to take up any jobs that may not fit them.

This article covers tips for making young people more employable and outlines the right mindsets no one teaches. 

We have detailed the steps to help you land the first job and get an idea about the hiring process.

READ MORE: How To Find A Job After Leaving School

The Right Habits to Build Before Entering the Job Market

Develop a Growth Mindset

People with a growth mindset are fully committed to learning new transferable skills and information.

It is a desirable quality and, in fact, crucial to your professional success.

You feel self-motivated and open to change for the better. 

With this mindset, you no more view unexpected situations and failures as setbacks but as new opportunities for growth. 

This applies to the workplace, where you will face constant feedback;.

If you have this approach will welcome constructive criticism with open arms.

They don’t get stagnant anywhere and look for great ways to improve.

It will help them to catch the attention of peers and management and climb the corporate ladder.

It is the point-of-view that unlocks the key to progression.

Taking Responsibility

We are often inclined to avoid blame and may feel overwhelmed to take responsibility.

Once we set foot in the company culture, responsibility is seen as how we respond to a particular situation. 

It is needed in areas like job responsibilities, following company guidelines, privacy, etc.

Being accountable means you must take complete ownership of the result of your good or bad decisions.

By developing this quality, you build integrity, which helps you gain the respect and trust of others.

Responsible people are more results-driven and will earn recognition. 

Challenge Yourself Every Day

Giving yourself a gentle reminder to push further and work towards it will be an amazing confidence booster.

Find time for personal development in your daily regimen and prioritize it. It can be practicing a five-minute meditation, engaging in physical activities like hitting the gym, going for a walk, or learning something new.

Studies have found those who mentally challenge themselves have more stimulated brain activity.

This helps reduce anxiety and depression.

Strike for the person you want to become – and it is not easy. 

Your perseverance and consistency will be tested along the way. Don’t give up! 

READ MORE: How To Get A Job After Graduating

Build Relationships 

Building and managing workplace relationships help open doors for great opportunities.

You will enjoy your work more if you have a healthy relationship with your teammates.

It’s important to remember that even if you just act a specific way 40 percent of the time, people will always see you as exhibiting that behavior.

You rarely get another chance to create a great first impression. So make the most of your first meeting, whether online or face-to-face.

People skills are needed in every sphere of life, personal or professional. Building meaningful connections may not come naturally to many of us.

But like any other skill, it can be developed. 

Unfortunately, it’s time to start from scratch if you don’t have strong relationships with family, friends, or others.

Step out of your comfort zone and meet people.

Attend networking events, approach important people and introduce yourself, and find social gatherings that help you connect.

Prioritize Punctuality

Don’t think punctuality is a courtesy, as it is a must-have quality at work.

You must learn to keep to a schedule. Developing the habit of arriving five to ten minutes early for activities and commitments is a great idea.

Plan additional time for your travel in case of traffic or other technical glitches, and be prepared to make last-minute modifications.

Many professionals pay attention to and value new joiners who are on time and well-prepared.

Punctuality can also apply to your communication style.

While specific interactions require more immediate attention than others, replying promptly to emails, texts, and phone calls may help you look trustworthy and competent.

Admit Your Mistakes

It’s typical to make mistakes when you are new to a job or an industry.

Many errors are recoverable, and supervisors frequently appreciate it when teammates are genuine and proactive when they slip up.

When you did something wrong, try contacting your manager with a truthful account of what happened and a strategy for addressing it.

You can then request any suggestions for lowering the risk of future errors.

Being vocal in these instances can help you create trust with your coworkers and discover how to enhance your processes.

By following this, you create a work environment where people feel motivated.

Job Search Tips for Recent Graduates

Graduates look for jobs

Decide Your Next Move

Give your career goals serious thought.

It takes a few months of effort for recent college graduates to map out to secure their first job. 

Use your time to explore different fields and companies that will best fit you.

You don’t necessarily need to outline strategies for your entire career route in this period. Focus only on the next big move – your journey into corporate culture.

It will give you enough insights and skills to make the second move.  

Utilize time and effort to extensively discover specific sector which piques your interest.

Sometimes it can be different from what you did at your graduation.

In that case, you may need to do some extra courses.

Though it is impossible to expect your initial entry-level position to be your dream job, it is reasonable to hunt for opportunities at firms in your desired field.

Have a Job-Search Game Plan

If you want a job, you must be willing to put effort into it.

Building a job-search strategy is one among them.

It indicates you have a strategy to achieve a new career while utilizing resources like time and energy effectively.

Although it may appear simple, developing a plan is a stage that many job searchers overlook, as they are more concerned about sending more applications.

It starts by considering how you will convince employers by telling a compelling story.

Ponder on your strengths and accomplishments and add your previous years of experience and significant achievements to create a compelling narrative about yourself.

Always target the organizations you’d like to work for, not just job vacancies.

Make a list of ten companies for which you are most interested in working.

Once you’ve compiled the list, hunt for key connections within those companies and people in your network who can make employee referrals.

READ MORE: How To Write A Cover Letter

Get an Internship

If you’re struggling to step into your preferred sector, consider taking an internship program as an opening wedge.

Nowadays, many entry-level positions need one to three years of relevant work experience.

 If you did not intern throughout college to gain the required experience, you will be disadvantaged when applying for an entry-level position.

Look for part-time internships or those that provide flexibility so you can add suitable experience to your resume. 

This enables you to continue the work you were doing before.

Once you’ve acquired the internship experience and created a solid professional network in that sector, finding an entry-level position in your preferred industry is much simpler.

Furthermore, if you make the right moves, internships can lead to full-time roles within the organization.

Tweak Your College Resume

If you had successfully followed all these steps but still received no responses, it may be because your resume needs a retouch.

As an entry-level job applicant, keeping your resume no more than one page long is always preferred. Focus on your top qualities, which can include your leadership abilities, education, internship, and other accomplishments you have received.

Make use of free resume builders, which not only make your resume visually engaging but also gives more relevant content suggestions.

Ensure you add keywords from the job description so that the applicant tracking system will shortlist your resume.

Scrub Your Social Media Accounts

Social media can seriously impede your job hunt if you don’t try to promote yourself professionally.

Recruiters increasingly dig more into your social media accounts. You need to know whether your online image will raise red flags for hiring managers.

Employers want those who have the necessary soft and hard skills and a positive image outside of work.

Don’t let a funny Instagram photo, inappropriate tweet, or Facebook share sabotage your candidacy. 

Party images are lovely to look back on, but posting them on social media sites for all to see isn’t a great idea.

Ensure your profile is free of raunchy or inappropriate pictures that might jeopardize your job with some firms. Remove any erroneous or improper posts about politics or sensitive topics.

Today, social media is prominent among employer searches, so stay ahead of the game by cleaning up your accounts!

Network Like a Pro

Do you know that over two-thirds of jobs are not published online?

So who secures these positions?

It’s the people who recognize the value of networking and actively engage in it.

It’s no secret many jobs are filled through direct contacts like friends, family, or acquaintances.

Participate in alumni gatherings to build a vital professional network at your alma mater.

Join and connect professional networks like LinkedIn and look for in-person networking events through Meetup groups, associations, and trade conferences.

Until you know the recruiter, someone from the organization, or anyone who knows the employer, you will never hear about a job vacancy.

Recruiters place a high value on applicants they know and trust. 

Instead of spending your days poring over ads and submitting applications, you should use your effort and time networking with people from your field, refining your talents, and connecting with companies.

Job-Search Resources for College Graduates

Job Search Boards

Companies and recruiters use job boards to list job vacancies and find resume databases.

People rely on job boards to research new job options and submit their online applications.

While some job boards specialize in specific industries, others can offer opportunities throughout various areas.

Understanding the scope and areas of expertise of specific job boards will let you utilize them most effectively and optimize your chances of landing your future job.


Since LinkedIn is the most popular professional networking platform, use it to find your first job after graduation and future opportunities.

Since more than 90 percent of recruiters use LinkedIn, create an extensive and presentable profile before you start making connections.

Additionally, LinkedIn includes a page dedicated to job advertisements for entry-level positions, where you may focus your search by choosing particular search parameters. Also, you can configure job alerts to receive in your inbox.

Social Networking Sites

Facebook and other platforms can serve as your social media resume.

Twitter can be a valuable tool for job seekers to find new positions.

Look for organizations on these websites and share your search with friends and online audiences.

You have already established a community of people who know you. Therefore, you have an audience. 

At the same time, remember you want to project a professional image when using social media for these reasons. 

Employers frequently conduct online searches, including searching via your social media profiles, to learn more about potential employees’ activities and personalities.

Staffing Agencies 

Staffing agencies act as an intermediary between organizations and job seekers.

Staffing agencies can be a great resource to work with because they will interview you and help you find open positions that fit your personality and career goals.

Explore staffing agencies for entry-level jobs and find if there are local agencies in your area or the city where you’d like to work.

Additionally, the employer, not the potential employee, is the one who spends for a staffing agency’s services.

Industry Networking Events

Look for industry-specific professional membership associations in your area.

These provide opportunities for growth and connections with those in your sector and raise your business profile.

Some gatherings may be casual networking events, while others may be organized around a seminar or discussion. Knowing how to get the most out of networking events might help you advance your career.

Talking with people in your field helps you stay up-to-date with emerging trends, products, services, and innovations.

Listening to numerous speakers for a period improves your overall understanding of your domain.

Having an industry organization on your resume also demonstrates that you are dedicated to your profession and actively participate in its progression.

Job Fairs

Most colleges conduct career fairs where companies and students can meet, allowing the latter to see what opportunities are available.

In addition to being a golden chance to land an entry-level job or secure an internship, career fairs prepare your practice for professionally talking to employers.

Since a large number of participants and firms will be exhibiting, you can make plans in advance to make the most of these recruiting events.

Check the attendee list, prioritize the organizations you want to meet with and locate their booths on the map.

You can exhibit your passion and personality through job expos, which your resume can’t.

Dress and act appropriately to make a good impression.

Try your luck by attending even small career fairs, where you may find someone who can be that opening to your professional world.

Although some firms aren’t recruiting for entry-level positions, it’s still a good idea to begin networking with organizations you want to work for. 

Career Coaching

A career coach assists you in developing the abilities necessary to boost your skills in job-searching.

They may assist you with updating marketing materials such as a cover letter, reviewing your resume, and practicing interview skills.

Through mock sessions, you will be exposed to different interviewing styles like situational, informational, and behavioral interviews. 

Since every professional path is distinct, a career coach tailors their strategy to their coachee and assists them in navigating the sort of culture suitable for them.

You can consult a career coach at any stage of your career, whether you are a recent graduate or someone looking for a career switch. 

Also, as you advance in your profession, the proper career coach is a valuable resource in navigating the obstacles and confusions that can arise in the workplace.

Several career coaches are now working remotely over the phone or video.

However, if you want face-to-face interaction, many coaches will visit with you in person if they are nearby.

Four Ways to Rock Your First Entry-Level Job After Graduation

Create a Plan for Your Probation Period

Employers frequently regard a new hire’s first three months of probation at the firm as continuing the interview session.

This is like a trial period when your boss is still assessing you, and you’re presumably doing the same to ensure that this hiring choice was the best for all involved.

While some firms offer an orientation session to help new workers succeed, don’t expect to receive such assistance. Instead, take control of the situation by developing your three-month plan.

Make a list of activities you can do during your first week, the first month, and three months on the job to help you succeed. 

Be a Lifelong Learner

Quitting to learn is the quickest way to lose your advantage, both in and out of the office.

You could be prepared to throw away your library card after your exams and assignments. It’s normal to be exhausted.

However, once you’ve taken a vacation and adjusted to your new job position and schedule, look for opportunities to continue your professional growth both within and outside the office.

For example, you may seek the right mentorship or enroll in online programs on leading course providers such as Udemy, Coursera, edX, or LinkedIn Learning.

Invest in Networking

You already have a job, so why focus solely on networking?

Healthy professional connections may help you locate and obtain more than an entry-level job. In truth, the highest achievers are typically outstanding networkers.

Networking will assist you in developing and honing your talents and staying current on technological advancements and market trends. It may open doors for finding the right mentorship and keeping an eye on the job market if you find yourself jobless or anxious to make the switch.

Begin by participating in alumni events, joining important LinkedIn groups, and discovering alternative face-to-face options through appropriate professional groups, Meetup groups, and trade events.

Final Thoughts

College is hectic enough without the extra burden of looking for work.

But you’ll be OK if you have a strategy and know where and how to look.

Understand that it demands a holistic approach.

Don’t count on your first job out of college as your last.

Find a job that covers the bills while giving you time to develop your long-term strategy.

You’ll find an excellent position in no time if you have the right mindset and determination.

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